Wednesday, 30 September 2015

Seeking out what you need

Tama is at an age where he is refining his fine motor skills- something that needs lots of practice. I love that children naturally seek out what they need. I pulled the old pages off the calendar and put them on the making table. Sometime later Tama picked them up and cut them first into week sized strips and then into day sized squares... lots of great practice- independently sought and achieved.


Tuesday, 29 September 2015

Monday, 28 September 2015

This week on the Homeschool Web....

Authentic Inquiry Maths has some great examples of maths learning done in the classroom- many can be easily adapted to home school.

Have you seen the Nature Play WA website? (There is also a SA and QLD version- all have great resources.

10 things every child needs in the backyard. Cool ideas!!

On the to do list... a water wall.

An easy activity for fractions.

Saturday, 26 September 2015


This is the night when we first had Toasted Marshmallows.

That's me touching my Marshmallow. It went in lots of fire and it got burnt. It tasted like a toasted Marshmallow. The other night I got smoke in my eyes when we were doing toasted Marshmallows.  ~ Tama

 This is the second night we had Toasted Marshmallows. This night I lit the fire. I lit the fire with a candle because the candle was more safe to use than the lighter because the flame was further away from my hand than it would be with a lighter.  ~ Will


Friday, 25 September 2015

5 Days of Lunches

Wednesday, 23 September 2015

Our Bird Project

We're not quite done with our bird unit but I wanted to share what we've done as someone was asking recently....

It was Will who chose this field of study when we first decided to start home schooling at the beginning of the term. He and Tama both have had a fascination for observing the birds in the backyard and at our local Pet store (The Bird and Fish Place, Wattle Grove).

We started the unit looking at the boys prior knowledge and what they wanted to know....

We gathered some resources from the Library and then headed out into the big wide world to make some observations. Over the course of the study we did 3.5 excursions (details below). I say 3.5 because we did a quick trip to check out GO Edwards Park in Burswood as we had spotted some nesting birds when we drove past one day and went back to check them out at a more convenient time.

Having gathered our information- in the form of lists, photos, sketches, and personal observations. We started to use the information to classify, compare and contrast our findings. Here are some of the activities we did...

Listing the  birds we saw and their habitats.

Looking at features of bird feet related to their habitats and their habits.

 Bird Habitats we observed and also how birds use camoflage.

I downloaded a number of worksheets online and both Will and I selected some we thought would be helpful.

Resources from the Herdsman Lake Wildlife centre.

Some lengthy discussions were had about beaks and feet and the whys and hows of them. 


A lot of the writing is done by me as Will struggles with his fine motor skills and the time it takes to do a task if he is writing can dampen his enthusiasm for continuing. (He does regular handwriting practice and other activities to build his fine motor controls and improve his handwriting).

Will selected 34 photos from the three excursions we had and we added a gallery to his project book- Will labelled the birds himself.

We shared a dreamtime story 

We had to 'youtube' a bunch of these and still not sure if we are right!

Pencil and pastel Feather drawings- some observational and some dreamed-up.

If Will is doing some sort of written work when Tama is home Tama likes to have his own 'activities' too....

What's left to do....
We recently pruned some trees and are going to attempt to make a boy sized nest in our cubby corner. We have looked at some nests already in our books and in the 'Life' episode. And I expect a lengthy discussion will ensue as we attempt to build. We also had some Ravens recently take the trimmings from Tama's outdoor haircut for their nests whch sparked some lively discussion about building materials.

We sourced some recycled materials from REmidaWA to make bird sculptures for our garden.
We may also make some bird figures with clay and natural materials.

We also need to return to the rubric we created at the start of the project and check our knowledge and confirm that we've covered all our 'Wonderings'. We haven't covered it all but may decide we don't need/want to look at birds eggs nor the history of Rainbow Lorikeets and 28's and their status as introduced birds/pests in WA. Especially as there is some intense enthusiasm for moving into Geo and nuclear physics as the next topic of interest after our meeting with Dr Derek Muller of Veritasium fame.


Curriculum Links: (* = Y2 curriculum objectives )


Reading- reading a variety of fiction and non fiction texts. Using guides.
Responding to literature- dreamtime story.
Writing- Lists, labelling, descriptive text, forming opinions
*Listening for specific purposes and information.
*Using interaction skills: brainstorming topics, contributing ideas and acknowledging the ideas of others.
Viewing - viewing documentaries and gathering information.


Data representation and interpretation
*Collect, check and classify data
*Create displays of data using lists, table and picture graphs and interpret them.

* Living things grow, change and have offspring similar to themselves.
* Use a range of methods to sort information including drawings and tables.
* Through discussion compare observations with predictions.
* Represent and communicate observations and ideas in a variety of ways such as oral and written language, drawing and role play.

Using geographical tools such as a map (see Herdsman Lake).
Collect and record geographical data- eg Bird Habitat information.
The ways in which Aboriginal People make a connection to place.

Process: Apply a technology process to modify products to create a product. (Bird Sculptures)
Materials: Select and use materials that are appropriate to achieving solutions to a technology challenge. Understand that when selecting materials, their properties are considered. (Selecting recycled materials for bird sculptures) (Making nests with natural materials)

Visual Arts: Generating Artworks that communicate ideas- recycled material bird sculptures
Art Skills and Processes- Exploration of, and experimentation with, the visual elements of shape, line, colour, space and texture. Using Sketching, Pastels, Clay Modelling, and Sculpture.
Media Arts: Responding and expressing ideas about the media viewed.

Participating in an active leisure activity: walking in the outdoor environment.
Preparing for an excursion: Food, water, appropriate clothing (for safety and comfort), and sun protection.



Bird (DK Eyewitness Guide)

Feathers Not Just for Flying By Melissa Stewart

Guide to the Wildlife of Perth and the South West Simon Nevill Publications
This is fantastic and we will definitely be getting a copy for our home library.

The Slater Field Guide to Australian Birds P, P & R Slater

Western Australian Nature Trackers Bird Spotting Field Notebooks (Made by Me)
Fiction Titles
Mr McGee and the Perfect Nest By Pamela Allen
Waddle Giggle Gargle By Pamela Allen
The Toymaker and the Bird By Pamela Allen
Slinky Malinki, Open the Door By LynleyDodd
A Bundle of Birds By Dorothy Butler
Edward The Emu By Sheena Knowles
Edwina The Emu By Sheena Knowles
One Lonely Kakapo By Sandra Morris
The Legend of the Kiwi Retold and Illus Lyn Kriegler

Enchanted Learning (Intl)
Birds in Backyards  (Aus) Check the Resources page and especially their PDF.
Birdlife Australia
Bird Note (Intl) love these short audio podcasts.
Aussie Bird Count-  (National Bird Week- annually in October)
Bird watching in the City of Melville, Perth Pdf
Araluen Botanic Park's Bird watching advice Perth
Fun Bird Collage at How we Montessori

Teachers Pay Teachers (Intl)

TV/DVD/You Tube
David Attenborough's Life: Birds (2009)

Bill Nye The Science Guy Birds
Veritasium- How does a wing actually work... not bird specific
Veritasium- Egg experiment to demonstrate Inertia- more physics than birds. :-)
BBCWorldwide Awesome Lyre bird song!!

Coode Street Jetty, South Perth
John Oldham Park, Mounts Bay Rd, Perth
Herdsman Lake, Churchlands
GO Edwards Park, Burswood
Our own garden

NB: I'd like to take the boys to Baigup Reserve in the city of Bayswater some time- over 61 bird species have been spotted in the area over the course of 10 months. More info here. The Eric Singleton Bird Sanctuary is also close by (Bird List).

Herdsman Lake Wildlife Centre