Friday, 18 December 2015

Happy Holidays


I've been a terrible blogger this term with been busy with a whole bunch of stuff. And now I'm taking a break over Christmas and hope to tell some of our term 4 stories in January so we can start the new school year fresh in February... I'm not making promises though January is for planning, reading and having fun! I wish you all of those and more in generous amounts!


5 Days of lunches

Friday, 11 December 2015

5 Days of lunches

Tuesday, 8 December 2015

Saw Avenue Playground - Kings Park (aka Variety Place)

Just for a change this was me checking out a new park with the boys. This one which also has an attached Picnic area is on the Subiaco side of the park- you enter on Saw Avenue (Opposite Rokeby Rd). The boys were quite happy just to go for it and climb and explore- playing some made up scenario game as they went.

Saturday, 5 December 2015

Children's books, the next stage... 3 years onward

Here's a list of our faves for the 3 - 6ish year olds in your life...


A Primary School Librarian’s List Of 125 Books That A Child Might Want To Read.
Love my books top 10 classics
Love my books top 10 Poetry.

Friday, 4 December 2015

5 Days of lunches

Thursday, 3 December 2015

What The?

Will has gotten into experimenting with food. 
This was a failed experiment.
It wouldn't have been a fail except that I threw it out.
So what you can see here is two dry weet-bix on a bed of sultanas and cinnamon. Topped with yoghurt and an insane amount of brown sugar!

Tuesday, 1 December 2015

Peachy Park- Kewdale.

Another in Les' Parks of Perth tour. Peachy Park is not far from his work and I dropped the boys and their bikes off after work one day and they explored this one.